Thursday 15 May 2014

Ready for liftoff

I will be heading off on my fifth annual pilgrimage to ride the rails of Europe on Monday May 19 and a bit of an explanation of the title and URL is in order. My last name roughly means traveler and although the title of the blog is in part a Google translation from English to German and the URL has traveller in both languages. This year my major places will be the UK and Germany. The basic game plan looks as follows:
4 days in England
1 night in Brussels
2 nights in Berlin
2 nights in Munich
1 night in Strasbourg France with a side trip to Zusenhofen Germany which along with Berlin will mean I have been to every place that my ancestors came from!
1 night at the airport in Frankfurt--not sure that I will get into Frankfurt given time constraints
Layover overnight in Dublin then home.
I get back on June 2 to Chicago

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