Thursday 29 May 2014

Munich 5/29/14

I started out today by taking a "wizz by" city tour (meaning one goes wizzing by sights) on a bus and took lots of pictures. I stopped off and went up the "tv tower" which is a part of the complex where the 1972 Summer Olympics were also held. I could see the Olympic complex including the Olympic Stadium (which like a number of these Stadiums is not being used at the moment) and a lot of places related to the Bavarian Monarchy. Until the end of World War I Bavaria was a separate country and had its own monarchy. I came back to the hotel to upload the pictures I took and then headed off again to the Hofbrauhaus which I ended up going through but not staying as I was intimidated by someone who walked up to me and for NO reason hit my shoulders. I decided that leaving was the better part of value and went across the street to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner as I figured it was an known quantity. I then came back to the hotel and finished tagging and uploading the pictures I had taken whilst I was out and updating this. I go on to Strasbourg France and hopefully I can take a side trip to a place called Zusenhofen which is near Strasbourg and is the town where part of my ancestry traces back to. I don't expect to be able to get any genealogy done, but wanted to try to see the place at least briefly.

Today's pictures:

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