Saturday 24 May 2014

Checking in 5/24/2014

Today was mostly a prosaic chores of life day with lots of errands. I started out by doing laundry near my hotel and shipping back some books I had brought over to cut my weight down as Aer Lingus weighs carry on items. Once these chores were done, I then shifted hotels and once I did this, I went to the Voyages SNCF (formerly known as the UK branch of Rail Europe) so that I could validate my rail pass for on the continent as this way it was done without the issue of a language barrier involved. I then walked to the Green Park tube and took the tube to Westminster where I took pictures at the Elizabeth tower (the formal name for Big Ben) and the Cenotaph (the major memorial for war dead in the UK and to me appropriate to see given that Monday is Memorial Day back home. I also took a couple pictures at the gates of Downing St. By this time, it was getting time for lunch so I then went to Victoria station and ate. I then headed over to Buckingham Palace so I could take a couple more pictures stopping on the way by the official Buckingham Palace shop so that I could buy some cards. By this point it had started raining so I had to duck under an awning for a few minutes and wait for it to slow down. Once this had taken place, I went back to Victoria and caught the tube back to Paddington as I had a meeting with two friends of mine. This meeting was quite enjoyable. I went to a local pub for dinner tonight and it was definitely a bit rowdy as people were watching the Champions League (European soccer) final.

Todays pictures:

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